Old Sow Whirlpool forming in Western Passage

Old Sow Whirlpool

Old Sow Whirlpool Flotsam & Jetsam
Available For Purchase Soon!

Survivor Certificate Available only to bonafide “survivors.”
Issued by Old Sow Whirlpool Survivors Association.
Photographs Suitable for hanging.
Image by Lloyd Holmes.
Whirlpool Tubes Demonstrate and observe the dynamics of a vortex.
The Whirlpool Radio Program CD 60-minute “Cape Cod Radio Mystery Theater” thriller about Old Sow.

Old Sow Whirlpool Survivor Certificate

If you have passed through Old Sow by any means — and survived — you are eligible for an official Survivor Certificate, issued by the Old Sow Whirlpool Survivors Association. You must supply the following:

  1. Name to appear on the certificate;
  2. Date of passage (month and year; or just year, will suffice);
  3. Vessel name;
  4. Vessel operator’s name;
  5. Name and address to which certificate should be mailed.

Copyrighted & Signed by the Association President.

US$10.00 + tax (if delivered to a Maine address) + shipping if outside the US and Canada.

Old Sow Whirlpool Piglet Photograph

Professional-quality dramatic color photograph by Lloyd Holmes of an awesome whirlpool “piglet” in Old Sow’s sty! Suitable for framing.

Order your choice of print sizes.


Whirlpool Tubes

Fascinating, entertaining fun! Create whirlpools of various strengths, wobbly whirlpools, and whirlpool noises.

Illustrates the dynamics of both water (whirlpool) and wind (tornado/hurricane) vortices.

You supply the two empty soda bottles and water that are required for use.


US$2.50 + shipping & handling + tax if sent to a Maine address.

The Whirlpool Thriller CD

60-minute Cape Cod Radio Mystery Theater thriller produced by Stephen J. Oney.

Story takes place on Campobello Island and on the car ferry.

Additional material accessible when using computer CD player.


US$15.95 + shipping & handling


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Visit the Quoddy Loop
in the western Bay of Fundy of Maine and New Brunswick.
—A Three-Nation Vacation™—
© 2003–2015 Old Sow Publishing
PO Box 222, Moose Island
Eastport, Maine 04631
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Site updated 2015 June 17